Monday, September 22, 2008

Is This Normal?


I guess God made me tolerable of things many girls/women aren't. Either it was God, or my 3 older brothers. Ha ha. Here are a list of things that I encounter daily. Tell me all of you with little you encounter these things also?

1-Weird things frozen in ice in cups in my freezer? Like; bugs, action figurines, worms, coins, pine name it.

2-Rocks, sticks, and acorns in the washing machine, or if they don't come out of the pockets then, in the dryer? You would think I would learn to check pockets every time. But, it seems most the time I am throwing a load in in a rush. I guess the girl alternative could be worse...melted lip smackers.

3-Hey Mom look! And right in your face when you turn to look is a nice long worm they are so proud of finding (that just happened as I am writing this), or a grasshopper in each hand held by a leg for a "grasshopper fight". A little inhumane if you ask me. The best was when we were at Grandma's house. I was up stairs and I heard a little knock at the side door. Grandma answered the door, then I hear her scream and scream, "it's a bird, it's a bird!" and Ty starts crying. He innocently was showing her the dead bird he just found. It was recently killed because it was limp and not stiff. I am glad he got to Grandma before me.


Annette Rose said...

Aren't boys so much fun. I think they are tons of fun too, but sometimes I just think... Really? don't they know how dirty that is? I think its hilarious to watch my little 1 year old girl, who wants to be just like her brothers, out playing in the dirt with the big boys. She doesn't have a chance of being "girly"

Brian and Martha said...

Oh yes, we have lots of worms, bugs, and stuff. Lately, it is frogs. They are cute, but they aren't going to survive long I think.

Kareen Bailey said...

I'm glad someone else has found weird things in their ice maker. I still don't know how it happened! My kids are not huge on the bugs but, Claire has carried around a dead/petrified bird that I thought was a pinecone once. Yuck! Aren't kids fun!

Hebdon's said...

I just found a frozen water bottle in my freeze with a toy lizard. That one was from Tanner. Later I found a frozen water bottle with money inside. That was Kenzie. She is a definite girl. Loves money.

Dawn said...

We only have girls but, during the summer if I get alot of rocks in the washing machine!

Joy said...

My kids have definitely done the weird concoction in the freezer experiment a time or two. And, as for twigs and rocks in the washing machine, I think I get that more from my 4-wheeling husband than from my kids!