I guess God made me tolerable of things many girls/women aren't. Either it was God, or my 3 older brothers. Ha ha. Here are a list of things that I encounter daily. Tell me all of you with little boys...do you encounter these things also?
1-Weird things frozen in ice in cups in my freezer? Like; bugs, action figurines, worms, coins, pine cones...you name it.
2-Rocks, sticks, and acorns in the washing machine, or if they don't come out of the pockets then, in the dryer? You would think I would learn to check pockets every time. But, it seems most the time I am throwing a load in in a rush. I guess the girl alternative could be worse...melted lip smackers.
3-Hey Mom look! And right in your face when you turn to look is a nice long worm they are so proud of finding (that just happened as I am writing this), or a grasshopper in each hand held by a leg for a "grasshopper fight". A little inhumane if you ask me. The best was when we were at Grandma's house. I was up stairs and I heard a little knock at the side door. Grandma answered the door, then I hear her scream and scream, "it's a bird, it's a bird!" and Ty starts crying. He innocently was showing her the dead bird he just found. It was recently killed because it was limp and not stiff. I am glad he got to Grandma before me.