Sunday, November 9, 2008

D's 1 Year Pictures



Anonymous said...

He's so got your smile Jana!

MyOhMy said...

He does have your smile... I love him!!!

Joy said...

Jana, They are darling!

Dawn said...

Oh what great pics! Where did you get them done at??? I love your little Ty's curly hair!!

Shannon said...

I can't believe he's so big! what a stinking cutie!

Jana said...

Dawn-I get them done at a place called pretty little pictures. I have gone to her for a few years and really like her. It is in American Fork. It would be a treck for you, but if you are interested her website is the name.

Unknown said...

Wow--I'm so behind--you have a new 1 year old?? I should have blog-stalked sooner! What a cutie! Congrats!

So fun to read about what you guys are up to!

Lor! said...

I love those pics of your kids! They are so much fun! I am glad you guys moved in! Thanks for hangin out today. It was so nice to chat with someone over the age of 6 for a little while! I'm lucky to have such a great neighbor!

Kareen Bailey said...

Very cute pictures of very cute kids!

Hebdon's said...

I can't believe how big your kids are getting. Your baby is not a baby anymore. We so need to see each other again. Keep in touch. Leslee