Monday, October 13, 2008

Heading to the Beach Cities

Today we got the condo all cleaned up and headed for Santa Monica. Before we got there we met Auntie Anne and Uncle Duane for lunch at Lucille's BBQ. Anne and Duane picked the perfect place. It was family friendly, and Yummy! We had so much fun visiting and hearing about their children and Grandchild. They are so much fun.

At Santa Monica we walked the Pier, then went to the Promenade. For those who don't know, this is one of my boy's favorite things in Cali. It is a walking only street a few blocks from the Pier, and there are a lot of fun street entertainers. Unfortunately it was a little rainy, so there wasn't as many as usual, but still plenty to have fun. Max's favorite was a Russian boy and his dad that did amazing gymnastic/circus type stuff. There 3 favorite entertainers there, weren't there this time because of the rain.

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